Branko Ostajmer, PhD, Researcher

Dr. Branko Ostajmer

Dr. Branko Ostajmer

Branko Ostajmer was born in 1978 in Djakovo where he attended primary school and grammar school. In 2004, he graduated History from the Faculty for Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. He attended a post-graduate course at the Centre for Croatian Studies, University of Zagreb. At the same Faculty, he defended his Ph.D. thesis The National Party in Slavonia and Srijem 1883-1903 on 22 December 2011. He has active command of English and passive command of German and Hungarian. Since 1 April 2006, he has been employed at the Croatian Institute of History. In 2012, he was elected to the rank of research fellow. During his work at the Institute he participated on the Institute’s research project “Slavonia, Srijem and Baranja 1860-1945: politics, society, culture”. Since 2009, he has been a contributor to the edition The Croatian Bibliographical Lexicon by The Miroslav Krleža Institute of Lexicography in Zagreb and a contributor of the international project “Education of Church Elite in Central Europe. St. Augustine College for Diocesan Priests (“Frintaneum”) in Vienna as a Post-Graduate and Networking Institution of the Monarchy 1816-1918” run by the Institute of Church History at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, University of Vienna.

From September to December 2009 he was granted scholarship (Balassi Intézet Budapest) at the Faculty for Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Pécs, Hungary. As part of his experience abroad, in the period between 2008 and 2013, he carried out several researches in archives and libraries in Hungary and Serbia.

His research interest is focused on political, social and cultural history of 19th century with the emphasis on the area of the Kingdoms of Croatia and Slavonia. He has authored three chapters in reviewed books, two research papers published in international peer-reviewed journals (a1), nine research papers published in national peer-reviewed journals and larger number of shorter studies. He has participated in three international scientific conferences held in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary and Croatia. He has also participated in nine other scientific conferences. In February 2014, he will take part in an international scientific conference in Budapest on Croatian-Hungarian Relations in History.

As team member Branko Ostajmer conducts archival researches in the holdings of the Department of Religious Affairs and Education, periodicals and heirloom personal effects of renowned educators. He is one of the editors of the third volume of material on the history of the school system in Croatia. He takes part in setting up the databases, as well as other joint project activities. He researches the topics of establishment of primary and secondary schools of different types, in particular the establishment of Hungarian and German schools.

Full bibliography:

Izbor iz bibliografije:

  1. (Coauthor Ivana Horbec) “Institutu sv. Augustina (Frintaneum) u Beču i pitomci iz Bosanske ili Đakovačke i Srijemske biskupije”, Croatica christiana periodica, vol. XXXVIII/2014, 75, pp. 85.-111.
  2. “Milko Cepelić u svjetlu jednoga njegova nepoznatog rukopisa”, Scrinia Slavonica. 13, (2013), pp. 113.-138.
  3. (Coauthor Stanko Andrić) “Francuska pisma Ignjata i Andrije Torkvata Brlića (siječanj-ožujak 1867)”, Prilozi za povijest Broda i okolice, Ed. Marija Karbić, vol. I., Slavonski Brod 2013, pp. 65.-102.
  4. “Opća zemaljska izložba u Budimpešti 1885. i njezin odjek u najvažnijim novinama banske Hrvatske”, in: X. međunarodni kroatistički znanstveni skup, Ed. Stjepan Blažetin, Pečuh 201., 349.-380.
  5. “Dr. Dragutin Neuman (Neumann) – zastupnik u hrvatskom Saboru 1890.-1892.”, Godišnjak Njemačke narodnosne zajednice / Volksdeutsche Gemeinschaft Jahrbuch 2009, Ed. Renata Trišler, Nikola Mak, Osijek 2011, 79.-97.
  6. “Povijesne bilješke o obitelji Selinger”, Scrinia Slavonica 10 (2010), pp. 290.-340.
  7. “Khuen – ključna epizoda slavonskog regionalizma”, in: Slavonija, Baranja i Srijem. Vrela europske civilizacije, vol 1, Ed. Božo Biškupić, Vesna Kusin, Branka Šulc, Zagreb 2009, pp. 390.-397.
  8. “Zakon o uređenju gradskih općina iz 1895. i položaj Broda na Savi”, Scrinia slavonica, 9 (2009), pp. 257.-274.

Selected lectures on international conferences:

  1. “Hrvatski zastupnici u zajedničkom saboru u Budimpešti (1868.-1918.)”, Prekretnice u suživotu Hrvata i Mađara: Ustanove, društvo, gospodarstvo i kultura (Budapest, Hungary, 6.–8. II. 2014.).
  2. “Srbi u banskoj Hrvatskoj 1914. godine – između vlasti i progona”, The Great War: Regional Approaches and Global Contexts (Sarajevo, 18.–21. VI. 2014.).
  3. “Janko (Ivan Krstitelj) Tombor in the Light of Necrologies”, Croatia and Slovakia: Historical Parallels and Connections (from 1780 to the Present Day) (Zagreb, 7.–11. V. 2014.).
  4. “Theodor Herzl and Hugo Spitzer: comparative biographies”, Multiple Jewries? New Perspective on the History of Jews in the Habsburg Empire (Vienna, 5.–6. XI. 2014.).
  5. “Sava kao prijetnja: tegobe stanovništva slavonskog i srijemskog Posavlja u svjetlu rasprava u hrvatskom Saboru (kraj XIX. – početak XX. stoljeća)”, Rijeka Sava u povijesti (Slavonski Brod, 18.–19. X. 2013.).
  6. Opća zemaljska izložba u Budimpešti 1885. i njezin odjek u najvažnijim novinama banske Hrvatske, X. međunarodni kroatistički znanstveni skup (Pečuh, 21.-22. X. 2010.).
  7. “Franz Pfanner i neuspješan pokušaj osnutka trapističkog samostana u banskoj Hrvatskoj 1868./69. godine”, Trapisti u Banjoj Luci – Europa u Bosni i Hercegovini (Banja Luka, 18.–20. lipnja 2009.).