Vlasta Švoger, „Štefan Moyses a oddelenie pre kultúru a vzdelávanie v Bánskej rade (1848-1850) “
In Banska Bystrica, a conference proceedings on Stjepan (Štefan) Moyses have been published, with the paper by Vlasta Švoger “Štefan Moyses and the Section for Education of the Ban’s Council (1848-1850)” presenting a part of the research conducted within the project “From Proto-Modernisation to Modernisation of Croatia’s School System”.
Vlasta Švoger, „Štefan Moyses a oddelenie pre kultúru a vzdelávanie v Bánskej rade (1848-1850) (Štefan Moyses and the Section for Education of the Ban’s Council (1848-1850)“, u: ŠTEFAN MOYZES – za života a v historickej pamäti. Zborník vydaný pri príležitosti 220. výročia narodenia. Zborník príspevkov z medzinárodnej konferencie ŠTEFAN MOYZES – za života a v historickej pamäti, ktorá sa konala 24. 10. 2017 v Stredoslovenskom múzeu Banská Bystrica, ur. Ján Golian, Alica Kurhajcová, Erika Maliniaková, Rastislav Molda, Banska Bystrica: Stredoslovenské múzeum v Banskej Bystrici, 2018., 23.-35. (izvorni znanstveni rad)
This paper shortly presents the foundation of the Ban’s Council (Croat. Bansko vijeće) – the first Croatian government. It was formed by Ban Josip Jelačić in April 1848 as his advisory council. After he went to war against Hungary in September 1848 the Ban’s Council de facto became the first Croatian independent government. The Director of the Section for Education of the Ban’s Council was Canon Štefan Moyses. This paper investigates work of the Section for Education governed by Moyses, and it is focused at three important issues – the preparing of the press law and the draft legislation for modernisation of Croatia’s school system, as well as the procedure of employing a new professor of philosophy at the Royal Academy of Sciences in Zagreb. Štefan Moyses influenced greatly the history of Croatian education both as the head of the Section for Education of the Ban’s Council, as well as the professor of philosophy at the highest educational institution in Croatia at that time.