Category: Project


The objectives of the project are to determine, using modern methodological approaches and critically analysing archival material, factors that were of crucial importance in the process of creation and functioning of Croatia’s school system...

Uspostavni znanstveni projekt “Od protomodernizacije do modernizacije školstva u Hrvatskoj” (18. i 19. stoljeće) dio je znanstveno-istraživačkoga rada na Hrvatskom institutu za povijest u Zagrebu. Rad projekta financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost u trajanju od tri godine (1. rujna 2014. – 31. kolovoza 2017.). U radu projekta surađuje devet znanstvenika i istraživača zaposlenih na Hrvatskom institutu za povijest. Osnovni je cilj projekta suvremenim metodološkim pristupima te analizom i kritičkom obradom arhivske građe utvrditi ključne čimbenike formiranja, djelovanja i utjecaja školstva u Hrvatskoj te valorizirati njegov suodnos sa školstvom Habsburške Monarhije i odraz na društvenu mrežu moći u razdoblju (proto)modernizacije.

Project description

Installation research project “From Protomodernisation to Modernisation of Croatia’s School System” (18th and 19th Century) is part of scientific research conducted at Croatian Institute of History in Zagreb. The Project is fully supported by Croatian Science Foundation in duration of three years (September 1st 2014 – August 31st 2017). Project team consists of nine scientists and researchers employed at Croatian Institute of History. The objectives of this project are to determine, using modern methodological approaches and critically analysing archival material, factors that were of crucial importance in the process of creation and functioning of Croatia’s school system and for the influence this system exerted, to evaluate correlation of Croatia’s school system with the school system in the Habsburg Monarchy and its reflection on the network of power in the society in the period of (proto)modernisation.

učiteljice i učitelji u Osijeku 1878-1


A research into the problem area of the school system requires a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach that differs essentially from the researches undertaken thus far and closed within the boundaries of the discipline. Thus, pedagogical and sociological researches do not take into account historiographic research and vice versa. Within historiography too, a certain shift must take place and researches into the school system should be approached from different perspectives. The history of the school system needs to be researched in interaction with the researches of cultural, economic, political, social and church history, as well as in interaction with sociological and pedagogical researches. In this way, research of the school system will be given a greater thematic broadness, and particular and one-dimensional researches will be avoided…

Team members

Ivana Horbec; PhD, Principal Investigator Maja Matasović, PhD; Researcher Branko Ostajmer, PhD; Researcher Robert Skenderović, PhD, Researcher Vlasta Švoger, PhD; Researcher Milan Vrbanus, PhD, Researcher Dinko Župan, PhD, Researcher Mislav Gregl (External Collaborator) Zrinko Novosel...