The Lectures of Mislav Gregl and Milan Vrbanus at The Society of Gymnasium classicum Zagrabiense
As one of its regular Monday meetings The Society of Gymnasium classicum Zagrabiense organised the presentation entitled “Scientific research project on the history of education – contribution to the study of our Classical gymnasium“ on 23rd May 2016.
Dr. Milan Vrbanus presented the project “From Protomodernisation to Modernisation of Croatia’s School System” (18th and 19th Century)”, conducted at Croatian Institute of History in Zagreb (HRZZ 4919,) its leader and associates, the expected objectives and results so far. A particular emphasis was placed on the database now accessible to general public (on the project website), that can be searched for information about Croatian students at the high schools of the Habsburg Monarchy and about professors and teachers from the continental Croatian area.
Prof. Mislav Gregl followed up with the lecture “From the school year 1809/10.”, interesting in the historical context of Napoleon’s actions in Croatian lands and in the social context of the struggle for establishment of either German or Hungarian as an official language. His presentation showed how useful school documents can be for completing the project base, but also how much the data available in the database, collected from numerous sources, may complete the picture of the activity of a certain academic institution.
Interested audience participated in the discussion after the lecture, the discussion that also went on further during the reception.