Doctoral workshop The research of school history in Croatia: sources and methodology
Team members of the project “From Proto-Modernisation to Modernisation of Croatia’s School System” organized the workshop titled The research of school history in Croatia: sources and methodology, aimed to promote the interdisciplinary research of the history of education and schooling in Croatia, as well as to discuss various methodological issues and research problems faced by young researchers.
The workshop, held on November 16th 2015 in Croatian School Museum in Zagreb, consisted of the lectures given by the senior researches of Croatian Institute of History and Croatian School Museum and discussion of all participants. The participants were doctoral students from the Universities in Zagreb, Osijek, Split and Dubrovnik.
The workshop was organized by the team members Dr Maja Matasović, Dr Branko Ostajmer and Dr Arijana Kolak Bošnjak.
Many thanks to the Croatian School Museum for a very successful cooperation in the organization of workshop, as well as to all lecturers and participants for exchanging valuable knowledge and experience.
10.30 – 11.15 Branka Manin, Director of the Croatian History Museum. Permanent Exhibition of Croatian School Museum (guided tour)
11.15 – 11.45 Štefka Batinić, Head of the Museum Library. Lecture: Book collection of the Croatian History Museum
11.45 – 12.00 Coffee break
12.00 – 12.30 Sonja Gaćina Škalamera, Head of the Museum Archive. Lecture: Collection of Archival Sources in the Croatian History Museum
12.30 – 13.15 Dinko Župan, Croatian Institute of History – Department in Slavonski Brod. Lecture: Methodological approaches to the History of Schooling: some examples.
13.15 – 14.00 Lunch break
14.00 – 17.00 Workshop and discussion. Participants: Željka Dmitrus, Aleksandra Đurić, Sergej Filipović, Matea Jalžečić, Martina Jurišić, Zdravka Krpina, Zdravka Martinić-Jerčić, Jasminka Paić, Luka Pejić, Dejan Pernjak, Saša Senjan, Daria Vučijević, Arijana Kolak Bošnjak, Maja Matasović and Branko Ostajmer.