Language Choice in Enlightenment Europe
Ugledni međunarodni izdavač Amsterdam University Press objavio je 2018. zbornik radova Language Choice in Enlightenment Europe. Education, Sociability, and Governance. Urednici izdanja su Willem Frijhoff i Vladislav Rjéoutski.
Autori propituju sliku jednojezičnog “starog poretka” u Europi u razdoblju prosvjetiteljstva, istražuju razloge i uloge izbora jezika u društvenom životu i školstvu na razmeđi predmodernog i modernog društva, te pokazuju kako su pojedine društvene grupe koristile jezik kako bi simbolično razvile, izrazile i odredile svoje identitete.
U zborniku su navedenu problematiku u povijesti ranonovovjekovnih hrvatskih zemalja obradile Ivana Horbec i Maja Matasović u radu naslovljenom Voices in a country divided: Linguistic choices in early modern Croatia. Cjelokupan sadržaj zbornika je sljedeći:
Introduction – 7
Vladislav Rjéoutski and Willem Frijhofff
Learning Vernaculars, Learning in Vernaculars. The Role of Modern Languages in Nicolas Le Gras’s noble
academy and in teaching practices for the nobility (France, 1640-c.1750) – 15
Andrea Bruschi (Universita di Verona)Dutch foreign language use and education after 1750. Routines and innovations – 39
Willem Frijhofff (Erasmus University, Rotterdam)Practice and functions of French as a second language in a Dutch patrician family. The van Hogendorp family
(eighteenth-early nineteenth centuries) – 65
Madeleine van Strien-Chardonneau (University of Leiden), (Translated by Mary Robitaille-Ibbettt)Multilingualism versus proficiency in the German language among the administrative elites of the 4Kingdom of
Hungary in the eighteenth century – 87
Olga Khavanova (Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)Voices in a country divided: Linguistic choices in early modern Croatia – 111
Ivana Horbec and Maja Matasović (Croatian Institute of History, Zagreb)Introducing the teaching of foreign languages in grammar schools. A comparison between the Holy Roman Empire and the Governorate of Estonia – 143
Michael RocherLatin in the education of nobility in Russia: The history of a defeat – 169
Vladislav Rjéoutski (Deutsches Historisches Institut Moskau)Latin as the language of the orthodox clergy in eighteenth-century Russia – 191
Ekaterina Kislova (Moscow State University)
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